
The smart elight cube and smart ipl cube using the acne treatment filter helps fight acne bacteria, leaving clean skin and closing the dilated pores.

The beauty of acne treatment with Smart Elight Cube lies in making the skin clear and beautiful. Acne treatment with Smart Elight Cube technology can offer superior results with the highest levels of comfort and safety.

Smart Elight Cube uses combined light energies to effectively and gently provide active acne relief, treating the problem at its source. Smart Elight Cube is really the next safe and effective generation of acne treatment technology.

The photo-acne treatment is a treatment that combines light and cosmetic energy. Acne, also known as common acne, is an inflammatory skin disease. It appears, specifically, in the pilosebaceous units (structures that consist of a hair follicle associated with a sebaceous gland), and is characterized by the presence of hyperkeratosis, seborrhea and infection, which gives rise to the so-called papules and pustules. This treatment causes the disappearance of the bacteria propionibacterium acnes, which causes the appearance of the representative signs of acne.

The contraindications to consider are the following:

– Pregnancy and breastfeeding
– Skin diseases: open wounds or injuries, acute inflammations, infections, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
– Feverish states.
– On areas that have micropigmentation and / or tattoos, since they can be destroyed or cause a dyschromia in the area.
– In this section, various diseases should be cited, on which no light treatments (IPL / L˘SER) should be performed under any circumstances: Crohn’s disease, cancer, epilepsy, lupus, AIDS, ulcus peptide. There are other types of diseases that, given their character, they can be treated, although always under medical control and never with an outbreak or crisis. It is recommended, as professionals of integral aesthetics, to maintain, if necessary, fluid and natural communication with the medical specialist in question.
– Astringent treatments on the skin: roakutan, vitamin A, retinoic acid, etc.
– On patients who have ingested and / or applied (orally / topically) photosensitizing substances. Photosensitivity is a skin reaction caused by the combination of light and photosensitive substances.
– Excessively tanned skin, either by sunlight, artificial tanning booths (UVA / UVB) or tanning activating cosmetic products (brown melanoidin).

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